Some Important UX Statistics To Know That Top SEO Agency In Singapore Resort To

In this day and age, the growth of a website goes hand in hand with the growth of a business. You want to be a step ahead of your competition and if you offer the same sort of services as the companies similar to you, it’s about how you market your organisation better. A good SEO web design in Singapore will always lead you to greater heights in terms of success. When the SEO activities are performed impressively, the chances of better ranking on search engines increase. It tends to increase your traffic straight away, which might be your main goal of running a website in the first place. But with time, you need to change your strategy regarding search engine optimization. 

In 2021, you should know things that can add value to your content. UX Statistics is one way of putting things in place. User experience will always play a part in a better marketing strategy. If you can make things simpler for your users to understand and they keep coming back to your website, what else do you need? 

Some Important UX Statistics To Know That Top SEO Agency In Singapore Resort To

You’re not the only organisation running a good website in Singapore. There are thousands more who might even have better traffic than you. Understanding UX statistics plays a vital role here. Here are some important UX stats which might persuade you to go for a different SEO web design in Singapore:- 

  1. There’s no doubt that word of mouth always spreads regarding a particular website. A recent study shows that almost 13% of customers tell 15 or more people about their bad experiences on a website. While more than 72% of customers tell 6 or more people about their satisfactory experience on a website. It goes to show that positive word of mouth always spreads better than negative. 
  2. Most of the customers wouldn’t tell you if they are satisfied with their services or not. Only 1 out of 26 customers would let you know about it. With the help of an SEO agency in Singapore, you should yourself realize if customers are getting satisfied or not. If any user visited your website once and didn’t bother to check all over again, it’s a clear indication that he didn’t find your website all that impressive. 
  3. According to a study conducted by PWC, more than 32% of customers would leave your website with just one bad experience. So you cannot step a foot wrong here, be always ready to come up with perfect content and UI
  4. 80% of all internet users are using a smartphone. So you should keep smartphone users at the top of your priority list. You need to produce content in favour of them as it’s the smartphone users who will make a difference. 
  5. 52% of the users leave your website if you haven’t come up with a good web design. It will always play its part, no matter how useful your content truly is. 
Web Design SEO Agency in Singapore

Focus On The Do’s And Don’ts 

One thing is clear when you’re going to come up with an SEO strategy, you need to keep the user experience as your topmost priority. UX Statistics will allow you to act in a certain manner, it can be termed as proper guidance. But the sad part is, only 55% of the websites pay attention to UX testing. If we see how things work today, every organisation is leaning towards a good SEO strategy. You have to be a step ahead of the bunch to UX statistics and pay as much attention as possible. 

The stats are just numbers, there are no explanations for it. How you mould the number game in your favour is completely your strategy. One of the most common mistakes made by the majority of organisations is that they don’t come up with a call to action buttons. It’s important to come up with a CTA for solid reasons that will persuade customers to run straight into your offers and call you for more details. A better UI will raise your website’s conversion by 200%. Meanwhile, a better UX design will bring up the conversion to 400%. We are talking straight facts here and you have to base your decision-making based on these numbers. 

Final Words 

There’s no doubt that a good SEO web design Singapore will give you an edge over the rest of your competition in the country. We, at Dynamic Web Development Singapore, will help you out in this regard. One of the major roles to be played here has to be by the UX statistics. You are coming up with your website so that more users interact with it and help you get more fame, isn’t it? We will help you understand it better once you take our services.

It’s not all that simple to satisfy so many people at once. This is the reason why you have to keep coming with new strategies all the time. If you want to know the UX statistics in 2021 as soon as possible and build your website in that direction, contact us to do the job for you. Check our projects to know more about us! 

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